Design the world that never came.

Take a moment aside from this transient world to remember your transcendental nature. Silence your surrounding and listen to your mind. Can you hear your purpose calling?
Allow yourself to fully absorb and contemplate the implications of the inspiration flooding your mind. It's imperative to confirm and affirm these ideas to solidify their validity.
The mind is a multidimensional telecommunication device that grants us the ability to communicate with and receive information from realms beyond the immediate. Close your eyes and witness it's infinite possibilities.
Now that you've been granted an assignment, strategize a plan of execution. Know that you are capable of achieving this vision and that as you continuously pour energy and attention into it, you have no choice but to succeed.
*Note: Sacrifices will be a necessary requirement along the way.

Take a moment aside from this transient world to remember your transcendental nature. Silence your surrounding and listen to your mind. Can you hear your purpose calling?
Allow yourself to fully absorb and contemplate the implications of the inspiration flooding your mind. It's imperative to confirm and affirm these ideas to solidify their validity.
The mind is a multidimensional telecommunication device that grants us the ability to communicate with and receive information from realms beyond the immediate. Close your eyes and witness it's infinite possibilities.
Now that you've been granted an assignment, strategize a plan of execution. Know that you are capable of achieving this vision and that as you continuously pour energy and attention into it, you have no choice but to succeed.

"No one knows their next thought before it occurs."
-Issa Day-Simmons
Design is more than meets the eye. It's a complex network of natural elements that when intelligently combined composes a harmonious blend of intricate details perfect for sensorial absorption, deep reflection and practical utility. The end result leaves its users with a newfound understanding of the possibilities of the universe and new ways to engage with reality. Upon initial observation, there seems to be something beyond this outward experience, something finely constructed in the fabric of the material reality as we know it. Even more importantly is that we're in the presence of a designer with capability that far compass our natural abilities to create. We ourselves are the result of this divine intelligence.
Effective design engages it's audience on an emotional level. The creative elements that make up design spark neural responses that range across a wide spectrum. Elements such as color, symmetry can create a sense of ease or uneasiness
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